Sport — Aug 25, 2021

It is with great sadness that we pass on the announcement that on Friday 20 August School Sport New Zealand cancelled ALL events on its calendar until Monday 6 September. This included all tournaments that were to be held inside winter tournament week which was to start on Saturday 28 August.

It is especially hard for our senior students who also had the 2020 winter tournament week cancelled for the same reason.

We are hopeful that we may be in the position to finish our local winter season and possibly attend regional tournaments later in the term. However this can only occur if this can be organised to meet all guidelines set out by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education.

No sports teams will be attending any tournaments during senior Benchmark exam week which is Week 8 - 13 to 17 September.

Below is the link to the announcement from School Sport New Zealand.

Tournament fee refunds:
Our Financial Assistant, Wilna Human, is in the process of returning all money paid to your daughter's account. When this process has happened you will see your account sitting in credit. If you would like the money to be returned into your bank account then you need to email and ask for this to happen. You will need to give Wilna your bank account details for this to be able to be actioned.

If you choose to leave it in your daughter's account the credit will remain for 2022 and onwards and it can be used at any time to pay for other activities your daughter is involved with.