TGC — Feb 28, 2023

SPECIAL REPORT: Wellbeing Checklist for Secondary

During this time of uncertainty, pandemics, climate change, and cyclonic weather events, many of us have experienced a variety of emotions ranging from fear to anxiety. All of these are considered to be normal and natural responses to any challenging situation that can often result in our minds telling us all kinds of scary stories. This can be especially true for teenagers and senior students for whom ‘what if’ stories will often predict the worst.

Adolescents are considered to be more at risk of anxiety and depression disorders which may affect their mood, thinking and behaviour. Although this is completely understandable given the current situation, any unusual behaviour that lasts for more than 2-3 weeks may be a cause for concern. Adult carers need to remain vigilant for any signs of distress, even though your adolescent may not have any prior history of mental illness. Early intervention, diagnosis and treatment have never been more important.

In this special report, there is a link to an Australian assessment tool provided by Beyond Blue if you have concerns relating to your teenager’s mental health. For further concerns, please contact your school for further information or seek medical or professional help

Dr Michael Carr-Gregg, in the six-minute video, gives insight to mental health as relevant to our teenagers. He identifies when you should be concerned. Signs of depression, risk factors, signs and what to do. We need to be alert, not alarmed and help our teenagers to focus on what they can control their learning, diet, exercise and sleep. and practise kindness, compassion and mindfulness. We hope this will mean our people will become more resilient.