Hero photograph
Tara Kanji - Tumuaki | Principal 

Tumuaki | Principal Pānui


Two starts but it all ends well

Whilst the COVID Pandemic lockdown in March resulted in a restart to school again, I am pleased to report that we were able to end the year well. My thanks go to the very capable teaching and support staff who worked tirelessly to catch students up and to ensure that they were well equipped to leave the school year with all that they required. Whilst it is true that some families left town and some students did not return to school, TGC was not impacted by this in the same way that others schools were. We even have 18 international students who have opted to stay in order to continue with their studies at TGC next year.

Staffing for the 2021 school year
There are a few staffing changes for 2021 but I am very pleased to point out that we have been extremely fortunate with a high calibre of teachers seeking employment at the school and will most likely to be fully staffed for the start of 2021. Of those staff leaving, some have given many years of service and are worthy of special mention. Firstly to Rose Wright,  who has given 40+ years of service to the College.  Rose’s contribution has been outstanding and she will indeed be sorely missed. Most recently involved with our Trades and Gateway students, Rose also managed our relievers and welcomed our student teachers undertaking a teaching practice with us. As a former gold medalist in athletics, Rose will also be missed as the brains and interest behind athletics day. We wish you every success in retirement Rose, you deserve it! Thanks also to Mrs Stephanie O’Sullivan who takes up a position with the Ministry of Education in Wellington. Stephanie has been our textiles teacher and is the current Leader of Learning for the Technology area. Mr Richard Taylor is taking up a teaching position closer to home.  After 13 years of service to TGC, we appreciate all that he has given, not only in the Maths department, but as a fitness junkie too! And lastly to Mrs Melanie Lane, an outstanding teacher of English, passionate about priority learners and a wonderful, cohort dean. Melanie lives in Rotorua and has commuted to TGC every day for the past several years. Mrs Lane has won a teaching position closer to home and can more easily support her children and family with their growing interests in extra-curricular activities. Lastly thanks to Mrs Agnes Peyron who will not be returning from her maternity leave which concludes in April of next year. Mrs Peyron is and continues to be a passionate teacher of the languages and I take this opportunity to thank her for making foreign languages so interesting and enjoyable. We wish all of our departing staff, no matter the length of their service, the best of luck and thank them for their contribution to TGC.

2021 Year 9 students experience TGC
We welcomed 300+ students into the school last week, a great intake for 2021 and we still continue to interview more. 330 here we come! Welcome to TGC, the school we want to make as the school of choice for all girls in the bay! Enrolment details can be found on our website.

Head Student Team announced soon
A rigorous voting and selection process took place, concluding with an interview. A new Head Girl and six Deputy Head Girls will be named on 10 December. With NCEA concluding later this year due to COVID, the usual announcement at a school assembly cannot take place this year and therefore all leadership roles will be announced at the full school assembly next year. Thank you to all the girls who backed themselves and others. As always, it is a very competitive process and a difficult one for the interviewing team of the Principal, Head Girl, Deputy Principal and Co-hort dean to make. We look for the best team that will bring out the best in themselves and their school community.

Year 9 and 10 Activities
We end the school year with a range of exciting activities for Year 9 and 10 students. 2020 was no exception but what was unusual is that not all students took up the challenge of learning outside of the classroom. Both free and paid options continue to be provided and the organisation always takes considerable time and effort by those offering them. Our TGC Facebook page shared the highlights of these days. 

Announcing our new houses and vertical whānau groups
Very soon, students will be informed on their house and whānau teacher for 2021. As planned we had endeavoured to share this information before our school office closes. With timetables almost complete, we are still keen to make this deadline. A house reveal for teachers took place a few days ago and was shared on our College Facebook page.

Time for a brain break

As the school term and year draws to a close, we have much to celebrate. A country with very few cases of COVID, few limits on gatherings and social distancing and an economy that has recovered in business terms much greater than most. Our teaching staff and student leaders ensured that despite many events being cancelled due to COVID, we had fun with TGC substitutes wherever possible! So, now it's time to recharge and have a well deserved break. Our school office will close on 15 December and reopen again on 25 January. Everyone here at TGC wishes you a safe and happy school holiday. We can't wait to see you all again in the New Year!!

Tara Kanji
Tumuaki | Principal

Image by: TGC