Acting Principal's Pānui
Tēnā koutou TGC whānau, parents, caregivers and community.
This pānui marks the middle of the second term for us all, and a busy one at that. Winter sports' leagues are well underway, the learning and practising of our haka and waiata have begun before the hotly contested House competition in Week 9 and as a kura we have taken part in our first school exchange with Napier Girls’ High School.
Reports and Te Ara Ako
In the next week you will receive reports sharing your young person's learning journey so far this year. As students settle into the middle part of the school year, their successes and next steps, alongside their learning behaviour grades, will be outlined in these. At home we hope they are a starting point for conversations about learning. They also lead into our upcoming Te Ara Ako hui.
These hui happen over two nights in Week 7. One night via Zoom, 15 June and one night kanohi ki te kanohi, face to face, 17 June. Please take the opportunity to meet teachers, to ask questions and to understand what learning is like for your young person. We look forward to meeting with you all.
Enrolment process has begun
The busyness of Term Two is heightened for us as we begin our enrolment process for our new 2022 students. We have been visiting our contributing schools and are excited about understanding what is important to our new students before they arrive in 2022. If you know any students keen to join our kura next year, please share with them that enrolment packs will be in schools and available from our office from Week 9 of this term.
Jesus Christ Superstar, it’s getting closer!
After not being able to present 'The Addams Family' to you all last year, we are looking forward to once again enjoying our Tauranga Girls’, Tauranga Boys’ College production. This year 'Jesus Christ Superstar' is what our students have been working on. Look out for your opportunity to book tickets in the next few weeks.
Tauranga City Council long term plan submission - having our say
Our council is calling for submissions as they work on their long-term plan for investing in our city over the coming decade. We look for opportunities to connect with our community and see this as a huge chance to have a positive impact; to be part of something “bigger than ourselves”. We are excited about having our say as we feed into this plan. Watch this space for updates.