Digital Technology — May 11, 2021

The Year 9 students in Digital Technology are learning to code and develop a video game.

So far we have learnt about the components of video games, like the setting, core mechanics, objectives, challenges and rules, through making a practice 2D platformer game called Nga Takaro on Gamefroot. We are now working through the process to conceptualise our own platformer games, which will involve creating a story by mashing up a famous New Zealander, mythical or historical, a place in New Zealand that is personally important to us and a New Zealand animal or activity.

Student quotes -

“It’s amazing, fun and challenging”
“I find it easy to program the players, obstacles etc. It's really cool how it’s got New Zealand features like Māori players and cultural objects and New Zealand backgrounds.”
“It’s fun and it’s a great way to learn to code”

Stay tuned to see the finished games later in Term 2!