Tumuaki's Panui
Ms Kanji - November 11, 2022
Lost Learning support
Recently, the MoE provided funding to further support students who had lost opportunities to learn due to COVID-19, isolation and or winter illness. 194 most at risk students were identified and invited to attend workshops. This was in addition to the tutorials that were already being offered across the school. Congratulations to those students who took up this invitation and along with their wonderful teachers, were able to bridge some of the lost learning gaps. Special thanks to Miss Currie for her organisation and for my colleagues who gave up their non-contact time to support these students.
Thank you Year 13
We celebrated the final day for our Year 13 ākonga with a full school assembly followed by a pool party. Thanks to the subcommittee of enthusiastic Year 13’s that supported Ms Belworthy to ensure the last day was an enjoyable one for all. The queue outside the Mr Whippy truck was certainly testament to the appreciation of that treat, especially as the weather turned out to be much better than had been forecast. Use your TGC merch with pride! Thank you Year 13, we will miss you!!
As mentioned in our previous newsletter, and as announced at Senior Prizegiving, our students were offered close to $300,000 worth of university scholarships. AMAZING! Congratulations!
Year 9 Activity and Year 10 Camps
Remember these take place during the last week of school. Whānau/parents please check your emails for this information. Mrs Barnett has been very proactive in ensuring there is something for everyone. Learning occurs outside of the classroom, so please ensure these opportunities are taken up. School ends on 09 December with Junior Prizegiving.
Attending school is what we do
A reminder that face-to-face school is what we do. Students in the Google platform are there due to illness, bereavement and the like. Please ensure your young person values their learning time by being at school, ready for learning and attending everyday. We need our wāhine to be empowered and education is key to their ongoing success.
Behavior expectations
We appreciate families working with us to ensure we take pride in all that we do and that includes living out our schools values of respect, pride and participation. That is why it is disappointing when we have some students who are using school time to engage in poor behavior and not focusing on being the best versions of themselves. Remember, if your young person needs support, contact their dean, whānau teacher, classroom teacher, Guidance staff. We are only too happy to help. Many times, our young people need the support of adults to help them to make good decisions. Two students have been answerable to the Board of Trustees lately and this is despite many interventions of support. We all need to support high expectations and ensure we all feel safe and able to learn.
NCEA examinations began
Seniors are now on study leave. NCEA examinations began on Monday this week and there continues to be a steady stream of ākonga using study areas in the library and attending tutorials leading up to their subject exam. We wish all of our students, including those in Year 10 sitting exams the best of luck. Remember, learning doesn't stop here, so keep being a lifelong learner!
Exam prep tips?
Here are a few tips from some students:
Have a study plan
Avoid cramming
Take breaks, go for a walk, cycle ride, walk the dog
Attend tutorials, they really do help
Practice responding in the way you will be asked - eg if your exam requires you to write an answer, then practice writing one! No point in saying it allowed to the mirror
Eat well, hydrate (water) and get plenty of sleep
Negotiate getting off a few chores…if you can
Do the best that you can and if at first that Q seems daunting, take a breath and tell yourself you can do this!
Breakfast Club
Don't forget, Breaky club is still on, no cost and all are welcome.
The club is held in Te Manawa (former C Block). Hot Milo, cereal and toast is available to all from 8-8.30am.