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Kāhui Ako - Learning Support Delivery Model

Learning Support Delivery Model

Kāhui Ako —

This protocol outlines what a group needs to discuss, agree and record to safely pull together information about children and young people’s learning support needs.

The Guide for groups sharing learning support information includes supporting examples and is available at: www.education.govt.nz/sharing-information

What is Te Rito?

Te Rito is a web-based national information repository that will connect ākonga (learner) data across kura, schools and early learning services. Te Rito is being rolled out gradually across Aotearoa New Zealand. Te Rito provides combined data that educators can use to gain insights to help learners succeed. In time, Te Rito will make it possible for an increasingly rich record of information to travel with an ākonga throughout their education journey.

How does Te Rito work?

Te Rito draws information from different applications used by your kura, school or learning centre, including your student management system (SMS). Te Rito provides access to a standardised Learning Support Register (sLSR). The sLSR is a central, secure place where you can capture and manage ākonga learning support needs.

Data in Te Rito is updated nightly, which means you’ll have a current view of what’s happening in your kura or school, and with your learners. The Ministry of Education does not have access to identifiable ākonga data in Te Rito.

For Tauranga Peninsula Kāhui Ako

Te Rito anonymises and combines ākonga information across the Kāhui Ako. Te Rito uses this combined data to create dashboards with overviews of ākonga demographics, transitions and learning support needs in our Tauranga Peninsula Kāhui Ako. The dashboards are both a cluster-level view and an entry point for examining different aspects of the data in more detail.

Function and Purpose

SENCO's and other designated Learning Support personnel from all schools and learning centres in the Tauranga Peninsula Kāhui Ako will be collecting and collating Learning Support data using the Te Rito platform, sharing aggregated information in order to identify trends, patterns and areas of need so appropriate resourcing and services can be accessed and appropriately distributed.

What information will be shared

Aggregated information of: year, gender, ethnicity, learning centre, education sector, attendance threshold, area of need, support need, sub need, priority of support, diagnosis type, diagnosis sub type, learner status, response provider, response status, funding, internal response, response type, tier of response will be collated and shared using Te Rito.

Who will collate the information

Each SENCO and/or other designated Learning Support personnel will collect their individual school data. The Across School Leader(s) for Learning Support will collate aggregated (non-identifiable) information of all kura and learning centres for the Tauranga Peninsula Kāhui Ako.

How information will be shared securely for collation

All information shared at a Kāhui Ako/Cluster level will be void of personal information, e.g. student name, NSN number, date of birth or other identifiable information unless with explicit parental/whānau consent. All schools will be required to electronically share aggregated information via Te Rito. Upon the compilation of aggregated information, this Kāhui Ako Learning Support team will only share this information with the relevant Learning Support personnel at the MOE, the Learning Support Panel and key Kāhui Ako personnel.

A secure, integrated national platform

Te Rito provides the platform for the sLSR. Further applications can be added in the future. Having kura and school applications on one platform across Aotearoa will ensure that the data in these applications remains consistent, compatible and secure.

Trusted information used locally

The data added to Te Rito belongs to the learners and kura, school or learning centre. The Ministry does not have access to ākonga data, or kura/school data beyond what is currently shared by kura/schools with the Ministry. Te Rito uses leading privacy and security practices.

How a privacy breach will be managed

If we become aware of a privacy breach in the Tauranga Peninsula Kāhui Ako, we will respond as quickly as possible to minimise any harm to the people affected and our Kāhui Ako. We will utilise the information provided by the Office of the Privacy Commission in responding to a privacy breach.

These are four key steps in dealing with a privacy breach:

  1. Contain and assess

  2. Evaluate the risks

  3. Notify if necessary

  4. Prevent a repeat

We will complete the first three steps either at the same time or in quick succession. Following this, we will use step four to come up with longer-term solutions and prevention strategies.

We recognise that every privacy breach has a different level of risk and impact. Therefore, we will evaluate and respond to them on a case-by-case basis.