TGC — Nov 17, 2020

The magazine provides a wonderful overview of the year 2020 at Tauranga Girls’ College. From Leadership and School Spirit to Art productions and Sport teams, you can see all the awesome things that students have participated in this year.

Even with COVID postponing or cancelling events earlier this year, we have still had some incredible achievements from the girls. These, along with school trips and other opportunities, are also included within the magazine. Buy a copy so you don't miss out on having this tribute to what has been a difficult but rewarding year for everyone.

The school magazine will be available at the end of the year at a cost of $15.00. Payments can be made by cash, cheque or EFTPOS at the college Payments Office or online into the college bank account 01-0475-0055400-00. Please quote 'Magazine' and Student's Name when paying online.