Hero photograph
Photo by Careers


Careers —

Former Tauranga Girls’ College students and school leaders Maioha and Akuira Haimona-Ngawharau met for a lunchtime catch up with three current Year 13 akonga.

 Keisha Nicholas, Maraea Puru and Tuinga Weti shared their future ideas,plans and dreams with Maioha and Akuira. They also took time to share details of the Gateway experience they had in 2021 on a Māori Cultural Camp at Te Korapatu Marae in Te Kuiti. They had already described their time at the camp as a ‘hands on camp’ where they took us to different sites to learn about the tikanga of that area which helped us with the bookwork that we had to complete to gain 20 Level 3 NCEA credits.

Maraea said ‘ I think that if anyone else gets the opportunity to attend one of these camps then they should definitely go for it because you leave feeling staunch in who you are, where you come from and you also leave with NCEA credits’.

If you are interested in finding out more about this or other Gateway opportunities in 2022 please contact Jaz Collins jcollins@tgc.school.nz.

The Careers team are also looking for work experience or shadowing opportunities for students. If you would like to know more, or can offer any placements or experiences they would love to hear from you.