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NZQA Assessment at Tauranga Girls’ College Student Authenticity & AI


All students will be working towards assessment at this stage of the year, both internal and external.

The school would like to remind all students that assessed work must be completed by the submitting student and align with the NZQA rules and regulations. All students must sign the ‘NZQA Student Authenticity Agreement’ for each subject they are taking at Tauranga Girls’ College this year. Please see your teacher if you haven’t signed this form. A brief summary of the NZQA rules below:

NZQA assessment rules and regulations.

I will not copy from another student.

I will not copy directly from another source i.e. internet or book.

I will not share my work with another student (this includes sharing paper copies or via email, Google drive or any other digital internet platform).

I will not bring any unauthorised materials into formal assessments (this includes in class assessments, derived grade examinations and formal end of year examinations)

Acknowledgement of breaches.

In cases where a breach has occurred an investigation will take place and as a result a "Not Achieved" grade could be given to all students involved. Parents will be informed of any concerns to do with Assessment Procedures by the Leader of Learning or Senior Leader in charge of Assessment. Any final decisions about grades will be made by the Senior Leader in charge of Assessment in consultation with the Leader of Learning.

AI and Student Assessment

There is increasing media attention around the use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in student work. All students are reminded that copying material directly from another source and submitting it as your own work is in breach of the NZQA Assessment rules and regulations. If a teacher suspects that AI has been used to assist a student in completing an assessment, an investigation will occur and a breach may be issued. Teachers will be working across departments and using plagiarism tools we have available to support their investigations. In all incidents whānau will be informed.

Please find linked the NZQA Assessment Practices at Tauranga Girls’ College 2023, which was shared earlier in the year for further guidance.

NZQA Assessment Practices at Tauranga Girls’ College 2023

For further information, please contact Emma Talbot (NZQA Principal’s Nominee) etalbot@tgc.school.nz