Hero photograph



At Tauranga Girls’ College, we encourage our ākonga to be present to attend school regularly, which Ministry Of Education states is greater than 90% attendance rate.

Attendance is the first step in accessing learning and is essential for educational success, achieving qualifications, and attaining social and economic outcomes. It is also an opportunity to connect, build a sense of belonging, and extend skills beyond the classroom. We have noticed that there is a close relationship between attendance and attainment.

Opportunities to represent the school and attend key events such as the ball require at least 85% attendance. If there is difficulty achieving this attendance rate there would be consideration to each case by the pastoral team.

Twice a term you will be informed of your young person’s attendance rate and you also can access this in the parent portal to check their day-to-day attendance.

For any reason your young person is unable to attend Kura please use absences@tgc.school.nz to complete the form or leave a message on 07 5788114 ext 2 absences. When you leave a message please be specific with the reason for the absence so the correct attendance code can be used to record absence accurately.

Sometimes students will need to go home due to not being well and this will require a visit to the Health Centre so our Health Centre Coordinator can phone a caregiver(s) to come in and collect their young person. There is an expectation that the student will not use their phone as this supports our expectations around a phone-free Kura.   

For further information feel free to access more information via the link below:
