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Photo by TGC

Canvas Careers Expo

Careers —

On Friday 12 August, our Year 12 students journeyed to Trustpower Arena to attend the Canvas Tauranga Careers Expo. Here, we explored possible career options and opportunities; among other schools in the Bay. We were exposed to numerous tertiary study options, trades training, innovative business careers and more. There were 58 exhibitors presenting many pathways to our ākonga as we near the end of Year 12, and the beginning of our future decisions. Company and organisation representatives shared their knowledge and positive experiences in their line of work - answering questions and offering information on the possible pathways they provide. As well as this, many tertiary providers aided in recommending subject choices for students’ courses of interest. This information is incredibly valuable and eye-opening for our Year 12 students, as we currently face our 2023 TGC subject selection. The interactive experience provided us with knowledge, wide perspective and free prizes. Among numerous lolly rewards, the NZ Defence Force provided free drinks and a sausage sizzle to fuel our curiosity as we explored our future pathways.

Article by Bree McTavish-Huriwai