Hero photograph
Photo by Sarah Whitaker

Spirit of Adventure

Blessing Pasi —

My Spirit of Adventure voyage was from 9 - 19 July. For ten days, I was out at sea with forty-eight other people who, at first, were strangers, but as the voyage continued, they became my Spirit of Adventure family. The voyage included climbing up big masts, learning how to tie knots and do housework, doing night watch with a partner reassuring that the boat doesn’t sink or sway towards land, eating delicious foods that fueled us up for the day, enjoying a four-hour hike and seeing the beautiful sceneries, until the second to last day where, as trainees, we took over the ship.

My experience with the Spirit of Adventure voyage was enriching. It served as a distraction from life’s expectations and reality and allowed me to grow. This trip allowed me to have a ten-day detox from my phone, which was useful and nice not to be staring at a screen all day. The opportunity to learn through the Spirit of Adventure was endless. Many words of encouragement and wisdom were passed down to us trainees (students) from the crew, which we could carry on. Even though some days were difficult when I felt seasick and homesick, looking back and seeing progress, I am proud that I made it through the ten days.

Some advice for someone unsure whether to go on the Spirit of Adventure voyage. How will you get the experience if you don’t take it up? I am grateful to have met the people I interacted with on the voyage, for Mrs Sommerville for pushing me to take up this opportunity, for my family and friends who supported me on this journey, and for the prayers that I received. I am proud to have been a part of Voyage 872, and the memories made will always stick with me. Shoutout to all the trainees, crew members, family and friends, and sponsors for this opportunity.

Fa’afetai tele lava,

Thank you.