Hero photograph

Tumuaki's Panui

Ms Kanji —

Time to update you with Tauranga Girls’ College news

Empowering wahine to make a positive impact

In discussions with a former alumni of the College, she commented on how she didn't realise the voice she had whilst attending Tauranga Girls’ College. In her new role, she now visits many schools and notices how many young wahine do not have the courage to share when boys are around. We believe we make a positive difference at Tauranga Girls’ College. All of our leadership roles, captains of teams, cultural leaders, committee members, science pros, musicians etc., are Tauranga Girls’ College students. Working together to value that diversity, share in that success and encouraging others to be the best versions of themselves is that very positive impact we all make. We thank you for empowering your young person to contribute to our shared vision.

Industrial Action Suspended

For now, all industrial action has been suspended. This means rolling strikes, relief bans, and meeting bans have been put on hold until May 30. Thus negotiations are progressing. I look forward to a positive outcome with our teacher's negotiations. We thank you for your patience.

Attendance matters

Please ensure your young person attends school every day and is ready for us to provide the best opportunity to learn. For that to happen, we expect your young person to come to school with the right equipment, a positive mindset, and belief that they can achieve. We certainly believe they can, and learning looks different for different groups. Attending classes is crucial to this success. Call or email the school when your young person is unwell and unable to attend.

Consequences when expectations are not met

I am disappointed to note that some of our students are not meeting our agreed expectations. Subsequently, we have had two suspensions and several stand-down disciplinary actions. Rules are not only about safety but about preparing for life beyond school. Most workplaces have rules, and when they are not abided by, workplaces have consequences for their employees. Whilst our young people are also learning, making deliberate choices against well-known rules or being defiant, which takes away learning time from others, is simply not acceptable. Thank you to those students who value their learning, friends and teachers. We most certainly notice you.


A reminder whānau that our school uniform offers a wider choice of warmth during these cooler months. Uniform has been proven far cheaper and removes social competition of wearing non-uniform items. As a uniform school, we support students with equity and hardship. Please contact your young person's dean or our school counsellor if you need support. If you have a uniform to donate, we would appreciate receiving it through the same channels.

Canteen change

‘Mad Catering’ will end their catering contract with us at the end of this term. Are you interested in taking over the Tauranga Girls’ College school canteen and supporting 1400 students and over 100 staff with tempting foods and beverages? If you are, email our Business Manager, Maxine, today at mbird@tgc.school.nz

Tauranga Girls’ College Social Media

Our Instagram and Facebook keep Tauranga Girls’ College whānau up to date with the many achievements of our wahine. If your young person is involved in something, please let us know so we can celebrate their success, service or contribution.

Tauranga Peninsular Kahui Ako ToD - schools closed

On the Friday before King's Birthday weekend (it still feels a little strange to say this!), all schools in the Tauranga Peninsula will be closed for instruction as all teachers will be attending this Teachers Only Day hosted by Tauranga Girls’ College and Gate Pa School. 760 staff will be gathering for some very exciting PLD on this day and to celebrate and share learning.

Learning conversations at home

Please take the time to discuss how learning is going for your young person. With learning conversations coming up soon, this may assist you with which teachers you particularly want to have a face-to-face or a Zoom hui with, in a few weeks. Learning focuses not simply on what is being taught but why and what the next steps of learning are. If your young person says they don’t know, ask probing questions like ‘What are you learning in ‘x’ class? How do you know you are doing well, or how would you know you need more help? Have you got everything you need to support your learning? Is your phone away and not a distraction? Are you sitting with people who support you to focus on your learning, and do you do the same? Having these conversations supports what we do in the classroom. Normalise this talk at home too, and celebrate the milestones, not just the outcomes.

Enjoy your weekend, and special thanks to all those coaches, managers and taxi drivers getting young people to their chosen extra-curricular events this term!

Tara Kanji