Hero photograph
Tara Kanji walking the plank
Photo by Priority One

Priority One Principals' Day Out


Principal | Tumuaki Tara Kanji joined other Secondary School Principals at the annual Principals’ Day Out event organised and hosted by INSTEP Priority One.

The purpose of the event was to continue developing collaboration between our local business and education sectors. The theme for the day was ‘What if I want to learn by doing?’  Tumuaki had the opportunity to explore some of Tauranga’s local education-to-employment facilities, with the purpose of ensuring we don’t overlook some opportunities for our students to develop transferable skills as they move into the world of work.

Tumuaki were hosted at

  • JNP Aviation and Training, Tauranga Airport by Verghese George. JNP deliver Ground Handling, Cargo Management, Passenger and Airport Management services. JNP website

  • Pacific Coast Technical Institute by Mark Hellyer. Their website details the full range of courses, including their Trades Academy offerings. Tauranga Girls’ College rangatahi have completed the Food and Beverage Manufacturing programme in the past. They have also attended the shorter retail focused courses.

  • New Zealand Defence Force by Shane Gillum NZDF

If you would like to follow up on any of these opportunities please contact the school’s Careers Adviser Ann Marie Wilson at awilson@tgc.school.nz or 578 8114 Ext 2131.