Principal — Sep 29, 2021

Kia ora everyone, the last week of Term 3 has arrived!

Under a COVID Environment
We successfully returned to school post the Alert Level change and subsequent lockdown and reflect on those in Auckland and on how ‘life’ itself has changed due to this global pandemic. Conversations are already being held about our school's agility and adaptability in a COVID context.   A context we cannot foresee ending anytime soon but which we have the opportunity to ‘front foot’ and focus on what we can control.

This is TGC’s third year as a Google school and as such, we use the Google classroom platform to engage with and continue to connect with students who have been away for reasons such as tangihanga, sports leave and family reasons. This means that whilst face to face teaching has not been possible, learning has remained. How useful this has been was proven pre and now during COVID times. This is one such example of using technology to support the learning whether it be during a pandemic lockdown or for another reason. Clearly, learning is relational and overwhelmingly we hear students appreciating the opportunity to be back in class, interacting with peers and of course being guided by their teachers.  A challenge here however is still around the access to the internet. We continue to loan out devices for those with equity needs but cannot provide internet access as we are not funded to do this and instead have spent resources on ensuring access to devices.

A large team of staff and all members of the Senior Leadership Team are also being supported with professional learning and development on Assessment for Learning (A4L). A focus not solely on credits and achievement but on the premise of engaging staff and students in the learning process so that both can support next steps in learning and move away from the traditional notions of the ‘teacher holds all the knowledge’ to one of the ‘student is actively engaged in learning’ and together we work towards their next steps. It also aligns with the intentions of NCEA - where students can be assessed when they are ready, although you can see how this would need to be carefully managed in terms of teacher workload and well being. Key to A4L is empowering our wahine in their learning and reducing their reliance solely on the teacher to access learning and or to their next steps. This is an exciting piece of learning which is now six months into its journey.

A shift away from collecting credits and towards meaningful pathways towards areas of interest has also seen new courses and curriculum changes at TGC over the last two years. This will certainly assist with students being more targeted in areas of interest and not simply capturing credits which have no real value for them. A targeted and determined approach can also be transferred to learning during a lockdown and assist to strengthen resilience in our learners.

And finally, we remember how important conversations about stress and well-being are. Stress in itself is OK, but it is about ensuring that the right balance exists and that stress does not take over how we feel, react and cope. Returning from Lockdowns has allowed all of us to korero about this and is well supported by the Mental Health Foundation.

Enrolments for 2022
COVID did not stop our enthusiasm for new enrolments and we continue to grow our Year 9 numbers for 2022. This continues our trend for TGC with an expected roll of over 1400 again to start the new year. A steady growth from 1250 when I arrived a few years ago.

C Block renovation update
C Block has been gutted and work to transform this block began under Alert Level 3. So, whilst the lockdown put a month delay to the mahi, it is great to see the progress the demolition crew have made. I shall remember to add some before and after photos from the architect next time.

J Block update
This 22 classroom block on the 22nd Avenue side of our school has had approval for a full upgrade and work on decanting this block is set to occur later this year although we have yet to receive final confirmation of this as we need to transfer its contents somewhere!  In return and when completed, the block will no longer be the maths and science block (although some maths and science will still take place there) but so will other specialist and non specialist equipment subjects. You will not recognise yourself when you step back into what will be the 28 classroom block at the end of 2023.

Parents or visitors onsite
A reminder that if you need to speak to a student or staff member, you must do that via the front office.  A time can then be provided for you during non teaching time. During school time, the priority is to ensure learning and teaching is at the forefront of what we do. For everyone's health and safety, please do the right thing and book in a time so that a respectful conversation can be had. Alternatively, email the staff member you want to see. Details are on our website.

Auditions for Cinderella (with a twist!)
Our school production for 2022 has been named and Cinderella is not quite how you know it. Auditions are now underway.  We look forward to sharing with you another amazing TGC/TBC show in 2022.

Finally, enjoy the non teaching time which I am sure senior students can use to add to their growing confidence as they prepare for NCEA and for Year 13, their final month at school as they know it. Seniors leave school four weeks into Term 4 and our Year 9 and 10 will once again enjoy the school with fewer people but with further opportunities to engage in lunchtime activities and positive role modelling for one another.

Take care, keep safe and students, please take items out of your locker just in case you need them under a lower alert level change.

Ngā mihi whānau!