Kāhui Ako — Jul 8, 2021

A Kāhui Ako initiative has seen our Tauranga Girls' and Boys' College prefects visiting and supporting local Tauranga Peninsula Kāhui ako Primary Schools throughout Term 2.

This term our prefects have been distributed to schools across our community of learning to support and participate in learning activities within our local primary schools.

Our prefects have enjoyed taking on the role of Tuakana with tamariki in our primary schools and acting as role models for younger students.

Each school has utilised the prefects according to their needs and our prefects have been generous with their time. 

Some of the activities our prefects have been involved in include:

Tauranga Primary School: Assistance with School Cross Country, Friday lunch time activities, Matariki celebration. 

Welcome Bay School: Assistance with School Cross Country, Matariki day

Gate Pā School: Leadership mentoring

Greenpark School: Assistance with maunganui haka, judging interhouse haka competition

Tauranga Special School: Prefects visiting, taking part in PLD on Autism. supporting with school hangi

Merivale School: Working with students on school gardens and house competitions 

Oropi & Pyes Pa School: Running activities on site at Tauranga Girls' and Boys' Colleges

Taumata School: Learnt about the philosophy of the schoolTauranga Intermediate School: Activities with students during lunchtimes

Tauriko School: Supporting house events during leadership week

Greerton Village School: Working in the classroom, Gardening

Kaimai School: Help with activities