Hero photograph
Photo by Art

Featured Artist

Art —

Waw Uthaikan - Year 12

"My painting is part of the class mural. I chose to paint a cat and a panda because they are cute and sometimes my friends and my family compare me to a cat because I like to be quiet like a cat that likes to sleep all the time. I chose the colours because I wanted a colourful image that is pleasing to the eye. I enjoy drawing cat eyes because it is a difficult and challenging task to make them look nice and I enjoyed painting the little details of art objects into the picture. When I picked a cat some people thought it would be easy to paint, but when I tried to paint it, it was actually very difficult painting all the little details of the fur”.

This artwork is one of 34 works by the Year 11 Art students. Each individual work uses animals to represent a subject at TGC. These will be displayed together as a larger mural. The layout of these works is inspired by the work of NZ artist Richard Killeen.