Hero photograph
Tara Kanji - Tumuaki | Principal 

Tumuaki | Principal Pānui

Principal —

Principals' Day Out
I had the pleasure of being hosted by Priority One this week for the annual Principals' Day Out. A team of secondary Principals from around the Western Bay were gaining invaluable insights into the innovation space in Tauranga. The visits to several groundbreaking innovators was both inspiring and invigorating. One thing they all had in common was the emphasis on ‘soft skills’ ie creativity and empathy. They appreciated that formal qualifications were also important but not the only indicator they looked at when making employment decisions. Having colleagues who were open-minded to difference and had a positive attitude to learning were highly valued. These are the very skills that we not only talk about but also give students opportunities to embrace, and will continue to develop further at TGC. Thank you Priority One!

Te Moana Nui a Kiwa - Māori and Pasifika Celebrations
We hope you enjoyed our FB post of our Te Moana Nui a Kiwi winners. It was a fabulous night with a hall filled with diversity and celebrations of language culture, identity and academic ability. Despite the atrocious weather outside, the event was very popular and extremely well attended. Congratulations to our amazing wāhine!

2021 Year 9 students experience TGC
Next week we will be welcoming our new Year 9’s into the school. We host our new students from 9:00-11:00am and equip them with all the ‘getting ready for TGC’ that they need before they arrive. Get ready girls for a great morning and a fabulous gift!

NCEA is underway as is Junior Assessment week
Enjoy the learning challenge and embrace the opportunity to engage with an NCEA exam! NCEA exams commenced on Monday. Deputy Principal, Ms Rowlands is the person you need to see if you have any questions about NCEA. If your question is about the junior assessments, speak with your subject teacher.

Tutorials continue
Don't forget to attend the vast array of tutorials still being offered to students in need. If you would like additional support from your teacher, email them today with your questions or queries.

No school on Monday 23 November
The Ministry of Education agreed Accord Day on Monday 23 November means that there is no school for Year 9 and 10 students. School is not open for normal classes as teachers are learning about the changes to NCEA.  A letter was sent to parents about this two weeks ago.