Hero photograph
Photo by Sarah Whitaker

Year 9 Social Science and Careers

TGC - Careers —

Career Central allows students to take ownership of their career plans.

Year 9 Social Studies classes have finished the year by completing a unit on Careers, using the school careers platform Career Central. Over the past month, Year 9 akōnga have been learning about different careers and thinking about their strengths and interests that might turn into a career in the future. It included Career Central tasks covering updating personal contact details, navigating the site and researching jobs that may be of interest.

Career Central makes it possible for students to take ownership of their own Career plan. And they can share it with whānau. The login for Career Central is the student’s school login and can be accessed anytime.

Careers staff visited all the classes to introduce themselves and share what is offered regarding pathway exploration, events and opportunities. The importance of completing the tasks was reinforced. Rangatahi were also encouraged to get into the habit of reading emails sent from Career Central.

The final task was creating Dream Boards. Students were asked to create a visual representation of their future goals, aspirations, values and future pathways. Observation of rangatahi engagement with this project, their completed boards, and staff recommendations saw five students from each class invited to participate in a Hiphop/Rap workshop session presented by Phreaze of The Purple Lab.