Hero photograph

Spirit of Adventure

Elodie Broad —

I was lucky enough to go on the Spirit of New Zealand for ten days sailing around the Hauraki Gulf. It was one of the best experiences I have had and one I will never forget.

Swimming with dolphins was an incredible experience. They started swimming alongside the boat, so we anchored in a bay and paddled the rafts close to them. Then we all jumped in the water and spent ages swimming with the dolphins.

I’m not a morning person, so jumping off the side of a tall ship at 6.30 am was not my idea of fun. In fact, it was terrifying! But the morning swim was compulsory, and by day nine, I managed to jump off the highest part of the ship.

Climbing the mast, on the other hand, was amazing, especially at night and during a lightning storm. The lightning seemed so close! The foremast is 28.7 metres high, so we had to clip on and have safety training before we climbed.

I am very quiet, so the most challenging part of the trip was introducing myself to the whole group on the first night. However, I enjoyed getting to know everyone once I had done that. By the end of the trip, we were like one big family, and it has been fun keeping in touch with everyone.

The final highlight was being awarded the Jewellers’ Award for outstanding endeavour and personal growth.

The Spirit of Adventure is a fantastic adventure. I wish to thank my family for supporting me. If you ever get the chance to go, grab it!