Pasifika Program
The Pasifika program is off to a great start this year with the continuation of the Homo Haia homework club and Rising Hibiscus early morning program. There has been a great turn out for each of these weekly events, with a good mix of students from both Tauranga Girls’ College and Tauranga Boys’ College.
With the Homo Haia homework club, students have a great opportunity to sit down and get some help with their subjects. There are teachers from both colleges on hand to provide advice and give guidance as required. The sessions start and end with kai and this is a great opportunity for students and teachers to connect and relax after some hard work.
The Rising Hibiscus program on Wednesday mornings starts at 7:00am and involves a variety of games and activities to get students moving and active. These games are either run by the fantastic Ms Belworthy or guests from outside the school.
Recently, we have been lucky to have two sports science students from Toi Ohomai running the activities and also one of our Inclusive Learning Assistants and Women’s BOP rugby player Kiki.
Following this, we head to the Common Room for some kai and then a talk from a guest speaker. Hearing the stories from these inspirational members of the community provides a valuable example for the students and gives them an insight into some of the pathways possible after school.
In summary, it’s a great and positive way to start the day!