Hero photograph
New accessibility and printing features
Photo by Pexels

New Features: Accessibility Mode & Print-friendly Content

Tom Barnett —

At Hail we love pushing the (digital) envelope and extending our multi-channel publishing. However, it's important to be future-focussed without bypassing users with accessibility issues such as sight impairment or limited internet access. It's this thinking and your feedback that's motivated our latest features.

Accessibility Mode

Digital content has the advantage over print that it can be made highly accessible to the blind, visually impaired and learning disabled through computer and mobile technologies such as screen readers. However the more sophisticated our digital designs become the more difficult it can be for assistive technologies to pull out and present the content in an easily digested and browsable format.

That's why we've added Accessibility mode to the footer of all Hail outputs; including the Homepage, articles, videos, images and the three publication styles. Entering Accessibility mode presents the full content in a stripped back layout that's easy for assistive technology (AT) to read and follow links. Plus, some ATs will automatically recognise there's a highly accessible version available and announce its presence to the user.

Print-friendly Content

Because internet access is more and more commonplace, and in an effort to reduce customers' printing costs and environmental footprints, Hail is very much focussed on digital publishing and distribution. With today's ever-present devices and online channels it makes sense to be free of the limitations of the printed page and provide much fuller and deeper content experiences to your communities; with features like unlimited fullscreen photo and video galleries. Over the last couple of years we've seen more and more schools, businesses and non-profits moving to fully digital communications and we're helping to drive and support that initiative.

However, we understand that some groups still need to print off their content and until now there hasn't been a tidy way to do that with consistent results. Well, from today you'll see that we've added a fourth icon in Hail's sharing options: printing!

Now you and your community can click on the print icon in all of Hail's outputs and a new window will open up with the current content formatted as a print-friendly version — allowing you to:

  • Print out that image or article to share on Grandma's fridge.
  • Print the cover and key articles from a publication with all the branding and editorial/notices in place and put it on the school noticeboard for the few families that don't have internet access at home or on mobile phones.

Hail's Commitment to Accessibility

As our customer base grows so does our commitment to providing the most modern, multi-channel communications platform for education, business and non-profit organisations. We know that ensuring high accessibility for all your community members and complying with government standards is now a key metric in all industries. That's why we're bringing you this initial feature release and committing to ongoing accessibility enhancements to ensure your content can be enjoyed by all.