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The Daily Hailey


Welcome to the Daily Hailey Blog

In this bloggy edition of my pigeon transmissions I have a handy archive of Hail features and customer stories, inspiring articles for educators and marketers, tech news and events.

As always, look out for my daily updates on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. If you enjoy these articles and think others might too please help spread my scratchings by sharing them with your networks.

Yours, Hailey


Don't build your house on rented land

How to Get The Most Out of Social Platforms Without Building Your House on Rented Land

by Tom Barnett

Social media platforms are amazing distribution channels that can drive serious engagement for your content, but when are you giving them too much?

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Time for a change

Schedule your summer uniform changeover notice

by Hailey Bird

Term 4 in the southern hemisphere means it's time for the switch to summer uniforms — let your school community know by scheduling a Hail article to social media and email.

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Free stock photography has never been so high-quality or accessible

Hail How-To: Photo Downloads

by Hailey Bird

Good imagery makes all the difference to your content, but what if you haven't got the right photo? Discover our favourite free photography sites.

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Video: LinkedIn Headline Tips: Official

Hail Update: Add Your LinkedIn Page or Profile

by Hailey Bird

Got a LinkedIn company page or profile you want to promote? Now you can add it to Hail and have it display in all published formats.

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Video: Work/Life Balance Is a Non-Issue If You Find Your Purpose, Says Dan Pontefract

Forget Work-Life Balance: Achieve Work-Life Integration

by Big Think

"The problem with work-life balance is that it traps us in a career or job-oriented mindset, working for either a paycheck or purely to climb the latter." Find purpose instead, says Dan Pontefract.

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Video: Is Your To Do List Functioning As Mood Repair or Enhancing Your Productivity? With Charles Duhigg

To-Do Lists: You're Probably Doing Them Wrong?

by Hailey Bird

What feels better than crossing off all those little 'quick-win' tasks at the top of your to-do list? But psychologists point to a better way which will get you much more productive and achieving those bigger goals.

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Video: Nike: Snow Day

Snow Day!?

by Hailey Bird

Have a snow day you need to let your school's community know about? Get the word out seamlessly with Hail.

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Do you read a lot on your phone?

Don't Worry, People WILL Read Your Long Articles On Their Phones

by Hailey Bird

With content consumption moving more and more to mobile devices, publishers have naturally been worried that people will no longer read long-form articles on small screens — it turns out they do!

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This way

New in Hail: Improved Image Navigation

by Hailey Bird

We've just shipped another little enhancement that many of you have asked for: when editing images you'll now find 'Next' and 'Prev' buttons to navigate the current photo collection or gallery.

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Drag and drop article ordering!

New Hail Feature: Article Ordering

by Tom Barnett

You all asked for it and we’ve delivered — you can now choose between having the articles in publications and the homepage sorted by date or rearrange them into any order you like!

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Video: Documentary- The Story of Content: Rise of the New Marketing

The Story of Content

by Hailey Bird

The Content Marketing Institute has created this fascinating documentary about the history and recent resurgence of content marketing.

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Video: 2015 Moa Awards Star Wars

Celebrating Teachers & Star Wars

by Hailey Bird

It's Star Wars Day and Teacher Appreciation Week so what better way to combine the two than with this video  — May the Fourth be with you!

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Blogs are a handy and always expanding content archive, designed to keep visitors returning for more

NEW Feature From Hail — Blogs!

by Tom Barnett

Hail labs are on a roll! Our publication offering has just been rounded out with a fourth style which we know you’ll love and find really useful in your content marketing. So now there’s a layout and feature set for every purpose.

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Video: MALTO

Pro Skateboarding Video Shot Entirely on iPhone

by Hailey Bird

We've all gotten well past the notion that mobile devices are only for content consumption, but it's nice to be reminded how good content creation can get from something in your pocket.

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Video: Julian Treasure: How to speak so that people want to listen

Julian Treasure: How to speak so that people want to listen

by Hailey Bird

Have you ever felt like you're talking, but nobody is listening? Here's Julian Treasure to help you fix that with his definition of H.A.I.L.

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Hail Showcase: Ransomware "Locky"—What You Need to Know

by Jay Haines — RTFM Consulting

Don't let it's cheerful name "Locky" fool you, this new strain of ransomware isn't friendly.

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Video: Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation

The Candle Problem and the Puzzle of Motivation

by Hailey Bird

Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don't: Traditional rewards aren't always as effective as we think.

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Video: 広島 CAT STREET VIEW / Hiroshima Cat Street View - Concept Movie

Explore Japan in Cat Street View

by Hailey Bird

As a genius bit of marketing, this small Japanese town has created the perfect internet mashup — cats and interactive maps.

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Video: MikeKing

Hail Showcase: Fraser High Interviews Mike King

by The Media Room

The students of Fraser High's Media Room recently interviewed kiwi comedian Mike King about becoming a comedian and his struggles with depression.

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Hail Communicator — Content Creation Edition v1.0

Announcing Hail Communicator

by Tom Barnett

40 years ago today on the 1st of April, Apple Inc. was formed and went on to create some of our favourite innovations, such as the personal computer, iPod, iPhone and iPad. We love our Apple devices, but when it comes to content creation technology we believe we can do better. Let me introduce you to Hail's first product, in what will surely become a suite of content creation gadgets, Hail Communicator.

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Video: "Coping with Humans": A Support Group for Bots (Extended Version)

Coping with Humans: A Support Group for Bots

by Hailey Bird

Here's a great bit of branded content from IBM starring the ever watchable Carrie Fisher with an assortment of emotionally unstable robots. Or are they droids?

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New accessibility and printing features

New Features: Accessibility Mode & Print-friendly Content

by Tom Barnett

At Hail we love pushing the (digital) envelope and extending our multi-channel publishing. However, it's important to be future-focussed without bypassing users with accessibility issues such as sight impairment or limited internet access. It's this thinking and your feedback that's motivated our latest features.

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Little Blue Pukekura

Hail Showcase: Wild Dunedin Festival of Nature

by Hailey Bird

A brand new festival was launched last night in Dunedin and we're wildly happy they chose Hail for their website and communications needs.

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Will fridge poetry of the future be digital?

Fridge-friendly Content Creation

by Tom Barnett

Thanks to the increasingly ubiquitous and affordable range of internet capable devices, our content has never been so instantly accessible in so many places.

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An earlier version of Hail

Hail Features: Getting Notified

by Tom Barnett

You asked for it and we listened — in-app and email notifications in Hail.

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Get planning

How To Start Your Own Content Marketing Business in 2016

by John Rampton

In the 1990′s and early 2000′s, many businesses looked to SEO agencies to drive traffic to their site. While SEO companies still exist in the 2010′s, you’ve probably noticed that another type of agency has become even more prevalent: the content marketing agency.

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On the shore of Lake Wanaka at the mouth of the AlbertBurn where we began the challenge

Hail Showcase: McGlashan Challenge – Kiwis Cure Battens

by Luke Jarvie — John McGlashan

In 2012/2013 ‘Cure Kids’ funded a pre-clinical study on Battens disease undertaken at Otago University, this has proven to be a curative for a form of the disease. 

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Video: Facebook's Canvas Ads

Facebook's Canvas: A Brand New Mobile Advertising Format

by Hailey Bird

Get the lowdown on Facebook's just released immersive, full-screen ad format. It takes full advantage of their mobile app and enables anyone to create media-rich advertising experiences for their brand or products.

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Top team 2016

Hail Showcase: Mahuta Camp 2016

by Urmi Shah — Merrin School

A fantastic use of Hail: on the first day of camp, Urmi at Merrin School created an article with photo gallery and published it out through Facebook and MailChimp that evening to the delight of the parents, caregivers and families.

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Video: WHERE GOOD IDEAS COME FROM by Steven Johnson

Where Good Ideas Come From

by Hailey Bird

If good ideas take time to quietly brew, are the constant distractions of the always-connected world we now live in stifling creativity?

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The aim of Kidsedchatnz is to motivate kids to be active, engaged and connected learners 

Hail Showcase: KidsEdChatNZ

by Marnel van der Spuy

Twitter chat for NZ kids — #participate #connect #collaborate.

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Social Media Workstream

Christchurch Educated Regional Conference Showcasing Hail

by Stuart Dillon-Roberts

It was a pleasure introducing Hail at the Regional Conference last week. A great opportunity to talk about the service and how it was helping schools increase their engagement with international students and agents.  

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Kiddle, the kid safe search engine

Kiddle — Kid Safe Search

by Hailey Bird, the kid safe search engine powered by editors and Google safe search, may have parents and educators rejoicing but isn't without controversy.

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School of Apps at Hagley College

Hail Showcase: The School of Apps Brings 21st Century Learning to Life

by Marie Stribling — Hagley College

The new mobile technological age has created opportunities that used to be seen only in science fiction movies. But now students at Hagley are putting their creative skills to work designing apps for the mobile world. 

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Video: The Future of News? Virtual Reality — Nonny de la Peña

The Future of News? Virtual Reality 👓

by Nonny de la Peña — TED

What if you could experience a story with your entire body, not just with your mind?

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Video: Creative Commons Kiwi

Learn All About Sharing and Using Content with Creative Commons

by Hailey Bird

This is a great little kiwi-made video on how to share and use digital content legally using Creative Commons licenses.

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Growing the Human Brain!

Hail Showcase: Waimate Main School is Now a Feuerstein School!

by Adam .Rivett

Feuerstein is a method to work with learners (of all ages) that enhances thinking leading to accelerated brain development. Simply put, it is a way to work with learners that grows their brains and enhances their intelligence.

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Video: Mark Zuckerberg talks VR at Samsung Galaxy Event

Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg Explains Why VR is the Next Platform

by Hailey Bird

Watch how he took the stage during Samsung's Mobile World event in Barcelona this week, presenting his vision for why Facebook is investing so much in VR and 360º Video.

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Amazon Education

Amazon Education to Launch New Website for Open Education Resources

by Hailey Bird

Market Brief reports that Amazon Education is working on a new platform that will allow schools to upload, manage, share, and discover open education resources (OER).

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Helping schools to communicate learning with family and whānau

Hail Showcase: LINC-ED

by Hailey Bird

LINC-ED is fantastic kiwi made education platform that's helping schools to share learning and now includes a Ministry approved student management system.

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World IA Day Attendees

World Information Architecture Day — 20th Feb '16

by Hailey Bird

World IA Day is a one-day, annual celebration focused on the practice and education of Information Architecture.

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Video: Greatest Misconception in Content Marketing Whiteboard Friday

Greatest Misconception in Content Marketing

by Hailey Bird

It's probably pretty clear to everyone that content marketing takes time, but there's a common misconception in just how much time.

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Metadata is the New Art Direction

by Tom Barnett

As our content creation tools get smarter they can take on more and more of the manual tasks, letting us concentrate on the hardest part; storytelling.

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New tech is empowering marketers to put the customer first and build trust like never before

The Next Big Thing in Marketing: Becoming a 'Trusted Advisor'

by Hailey Bird

If you’re a marketer, you’re going to have to do some fundamental rethinking of your approach as we move from product-centric brands to customer-centric brands.

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Attachment to attachments

Hail Feature: Attachments

by Tom Barnett

We've added another often requested feature; the ability to attach various standard file types to your content.

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Digital Citizenship Survival Kit

Digital Citizenship Survival Kit

by Craig Badura

This is a great resource we use to raise ideas and discussion about internet safety and digital citizenship. I make up my own kit in a lunchbox and have presented at school assemblies or online discussions with our students.

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Keeping kids safer on the internet

Feb 9th is Safer Internet Day 2016

by Hailey Bird

Safer Internet Day 2016 will be celebrated on Tuesday 9 February 2016, with a theme of 'Play your part for a better internet!'.

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Need Help?

by Lou Donnelly-Davey

Getting to grips with new software can be tricky, even when it's been carefully crafted to be super friendly and intuitive, so we have created a help section to soften the landing.

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Video: Joe's Intro to HITRECORD

hitRECord: Make All Kinds of Art and Media Together

by Hailey Bird

Check out Joseph Gordon-Levitt's intro to his unique online community and production company that you can be a part of.

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Magic-ing up the classroom?

Teaching: Just Like Performing Magic

by Hailey Bird

One half of the entertainment duo Penn & Teller explains how performance and discomfort make education come alive.

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.beer is one of over 1000 top level domains now available

.beer, .ninja, .plumbing?! Do All These Crazy New Top Level Domains Affect SEO?

by Hailey Bird

With it being harder and harder to secure the .com you're after you might be tempted by the new TLDs available, but will it affect your Google ranking?

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International Students

5 Ways International Students View Your Website Differently

by Megan Brenn-White

If recruiting more international students is becoming a priority for your institution (and where isn’t it?), understanding how global prospects will interact with your website is critical to improving results.

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Minecraft: Education Edition

Announcing Minecraft: Education Edition

by Owen Hill — Mojang

Hello! News from a slightly different, arguably smarter, place today. We’re announcing Minecraft: Education Edition.

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Multi-device software solutions

2016 Predictions for Smart Marketing Technology

by Chris Pemberton — Gartner

Five opportunities from new-generation marketing technology.

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Video: Steven Dubner:  Understand the Nature of Creativity — and Success

Want to be Creative AND Successful?

by Stephen Dubner

Award-winning author Stephen Dubner explains why typically the most innovative thinkers aren't the best performers in a team environment.

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Video: Firebrand's New home

Hail Showcase: Firebrand's New Year, New Premises, New Toys

by Firebrand

Our first week open in our new premises saw many friendly visitors.

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Video: Sevenoaks School — My First Week

New Feature: Vimeo

by Hailey Bird

Right on time for the new school year in the southern hemisphere we've launched support for Vimeo videos!

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Startup your whole brain

Hail Showcase: Startup Your Whole Brain

by Darren Murray — Complex Theory

I had the privilege of spending 54 hours with around 60 likeminded people supported by a crew of international and local facilitators and mentors from a number of well known New Zealand businesses. It was an enviable networking event with a chance to learn new skills, and exercise some old ones.

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Video: This is what happens to your brain and body when you check your smartphone before bed

What Happens When You Check Your Phone Before Sleep?

by Hailey Bird

Staring at screens right before bed turns out to be a lot worse than previously thought.

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Kristalee Barton

Hail Showcase: A 'Family Start' Success Story

by Beth Stitely — Anglican Family Care

In July, Family Start will celebrate its 15th year anniversary with Anglican Family Care. To mark this special occasion we’d like to share the story of one Mum who went through the programme, developed life-long skills and confidence, and is now helping other Mums in our community. 

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Top Email Stats

Top 10 Email Marketing Stats of 2015

by Chad White — Litmus

2015 marked a significant turn in the perception of email marketing in the media and in C-suites.

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Happy New Year to all you wonderful Hail users!

2015 Year in Review

by Hailey Bird

As we kick into gear for 2016 it's a great time to take stock of what a huge year 2015 was and thank you for your continued use of Hail. Thanks also for the brilliant feedback that has lead to all the following fab features we shipped over the last year.

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A little help with homework is nice, however this is not your time to shine

8 Things Teachers Really Want to Tell Parents

by Pernille Ripp —

What school teachers would say to you if they had the chance.

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Video: John Cleese: You Should — No, You Must — Steal Your Way to Success

When Is it Okay to Steal Ideas?

by Tom Barnett

John Cleese argues that you should — no, you must — steal your way to success.

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How to Handle Customer Complaints

How to Handle Customer Complaints Via Social Media

by Ravi Shukle — Social Media Examiner

Even the most loved brands can receive some complaints on their social media channels. Responding quickly and appropriately to negative social comments can help you increase customer loyalty and retention.

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How to best retain volunteers? Through the internet.

How to Maintain Relationships with Volunteers Using the Internet

by Carol Williams

Non-profits are well aware that finding dedicated and motivated volunteers is much more difficult than it seems.

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Video: Captain Picard sings "Let it Snow!"

A Very Hailey Holiday Playlist

by Hailey Bird

Throw out the traditional Christmas muzac this year and enjoy this nostalgic, sometimes silly and definitely alternative holiday playlist!

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Sophie ready to catch Annie

Hail Showcase: The Caring Child: How to Teach Empathy

by Lynette Cameron — East Taieri Preschool

At Preschool we endeavour to provide an environment that promotes Manaakitanga. Manaakitanga is the value of caring, kindness, hospitality and showing respect for others through aroha (love) and this encourages humility in the group. Our aim is that every child can develop their skills to become the best person they can be.  

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Frustrated 1st year teacher

The Honeymoon is Over

by Jin-Soo Huh — EdSurge

As we drift into the summer break in the southern hemisphere it's a great time to congratulate those first-year teachers for making it through what will typically be one of the hardest of their career. Jin-Soo Huh, the Personalized Learning Manager at Alpha Public Schools, knows this “disillusionment phase” all too well. Read on for his four tips for anyone supporting a first-year teacher.

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Video: How to Make a Freddie Chimp

All the Power of MailChimp, None of the Hassle

by Hailey Bird

MailChimp, the world's most popular email marketing service, sends over 10 billion emails per month from over 10 million users. Now with Hail, making the most of the Chimp has never been easier.

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Video: Chris Ducker's 3 Easy to Follow Content Marketing Tips

Chris Ducker's 3 Easy to Follow Content Marketing Tips

by Hailey Bird

Sound advice for getting started and staying on track with content marketing, from Chris Ducker, an entrepreneur, business coach, author and speaker.

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Logan Park Yearbook Tiles

Digital Yearbooks Go Further

by Hailey Bird

For the third year in a row Logan Park High School has published a beautiful Hail Yearbook. This one features over 200 articles from their hugely successful 2015.

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Early Christmas presents for all you awesome Hail users

New Features: Image, Video & Article Sharing

by Tom Barnett

Christmas has come early for all you Hail users — we've just shipped a pile of new features to provide faster, easier and better ways to keep your community notified and up-to-date.

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Video: The Experts Weigh In: 7 Stellar Examples of Content Marketing

The Experts Weigh In: 7 Stellar Examples of Content Marketing

by Hailey Bird

To celebrate Hail's recent integration with LinkedIn here's a great little video from their Marketing Solutions Department.

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Seth Godin is an American author, entrepreneur, marketer, and public speaker

All Marketers A̶r̶e̶ ̶L̶i̶a̶r̶s̶ Tell Stories 

by Hailey Bird

Seth Godin makes the case that most marketers are doing it wrong — by pitching their products and services to themselves instead of their market.

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It's never too soon to start teaching your kids to be safe online

How to shield your kid from smartphone cyberbullies

by Rob LeFebvre — Cult of Mac

Gabriella van Rij thinks we all need to be kinder to each other — especially online. To that end, she’s leading a kindness movement aimed at eliminating the cyberbullying that can happen when kids get their mitts on the hottest gifts around: smartphones and tablets like the iPhone and iPad.

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Selfie stick

Pass the Selfie Stick: What Gen Y Wants You to Know

by Alexa Weilein — TimeZoneOne

How can we reach millennials? How do we grow our brand through social media? Why isn’t Generation Y watching our commercials? Who the &*#@ invented AdBlock?

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Toshiba Satellite Pro 210CS

Twenty Years of BYOD

by Interface Magazine

Twenty years ago, Saint Kentigern College launched the first student one-to-one programme in a New Zealand school. Overseeing it from the start has been ICT Director Walter Chieng, ably assisted by partners Toshiba, Lexel and Service Plus.

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Video: Jony Ive, J.J. Abrams, and Brian Grazer on Inventing Worlds in a Changing One - FULL CONVERSATION

Inventing Worlds in a Changing One

by Hailey Bird

Here's an inspiring video from Vanity Fair with Jony Ive, J.J. Abrams, and Brian Grazer talking creativity, experience and current projects.

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Auto face detection

How Does Hail's Auto Face Detection Work?

by Lou Donnelly-Davey

You know when you're using a cool product and some of the features just blow your mind... and you're like... how'd they do that? 

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Star Wars and

‘Star Wars’ Partners With Code.Org for Hour of Code Tutorial

by Carmel DeAmicis — Re/code

At this year’s Hour of Code, the international education tutorial where children spend time learning about computer programming, characters from the upcoming movie “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” will animate one of the online games.

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Become a Partner

Got What it Takes to Become a Hail Partner?

by Daily Hailey

We are proud to present our Authorised Partner programme. Read on and get in touch if you would like to explore this further.

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Fruit and Veges from Countdown

Hail Showcase: Become a #FoodShareHero This Christmas

by Deborah Manning — FoodShare

Not everyone is fortunate enough to enjoy good food, family, friends and laughter over the festive season. A donation to FoodShare will help us feed hungry families this Summer.

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Video: Everything is a Remix

Everything is a Remix

by Daily Hailey

Nothing is original, says Kirby Ferguson, creator of Everything is a Remix. From Bob Dylan to Steve Jobs, he says our most celebrated creators borrow, steal and transform.

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Focussing the focal point

Hail focuses on the focal point

by Tom Barnett

Take control of your photography and optimize its output with the focal point feature.

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Derek with Sir Richard

What I've Learned from Two Years with Richard Branson

by Derek Handley

In December of 2011 I made the best deal of my life with Richard Branson over a game of pool: he'd share with me a big idea he really wanted to come alive, and I'd donate the next year of my life to make it happen.

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So happy to be toast

A Selfie Toaster!?

by Hailey Bird

Yes that's right — you can now wake up every morning to a delicious breakfast of your own face!

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The wonderful Wakari School gardeners

Hail Showcase: Garden Group Happenings!

by Heather Bonney — Wakari School

The keen Wakari School gardeners have been busy in the garden!

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#GirlsInnov8 Camp

Registrations Now Open for #GirlsInnov8 Camp 2016

by Grespa — INTERFACE

If you know girls interested in technology then #GirlsInnov8 is the perfect opportunity for them to meet like-minded peers and get their geek on.  

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We’ve all been there

Guide: How to Recover from Email Marketing Mistakes

by Chad White — Litmus

Email marketing mistakes are not a matter of “if,” but “when.” Email is too dynamic, too complex, and too quick of a medium to avoid mistakes completely.

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 (Shared) Content is King

Content is King, but only when published everywhere

by Tom Barnett

Content is your biggest differentiator and asset. As web technologies continue to become more and more accessible and commoditized it’s your unique content that stands you apart from the rest.

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If your content has no purpose then don't waste my time

Why Content Marketing?

by Jeff Leo Herrmann — Fathom

We’re often asked, as an organization, what’s our position on content marketing. I’ve written this post to share some broad principles and our approach.

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Wearable Arts Show

Hail Showcase: Wearable Arts 2015

by Lisa Dixon — Balmacewen Intermediate

WOW — Last night our Wearable Arts Show was held at Otago Boys High School — it was an amazing night of colour, creativity and innovation.

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Turn your yearbook into a yeah!-book

Hail makes beautiful, self-published yearbooks a reality for all

by Tom Barnett

With it's rich, tag-based structure, the Hail Yearbook can handle hundreds of articles in a vibrant, easily-browsed and searchable publication.

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Video: Forget "Steve Jobs," Get Ready For "Michael Dell"  - CONAN on TBS

Forget 'Steve Jobs', Get Ready for 'Michael Dell'

by Hailey Bird

Some men want to change the world... others don't really care about that stuff.

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10 Commandments to Create Compelling Content

10 Commandments to Create Compelling Content

by Patrick Burke, CMI

Compelling content – everyone talks about it, yet it is as difficult to articulate as it is to create. Seminar after seminar, blog post after blog post, content marketers provide the same trite advice: Create compelling content.

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Video: Computer Show “Arts”

Computer Show

by Hailey Bird

From the genius minds at Sandwich Video comes 'Computer Show', an 80's throwback TV show interviewing modern day founders about their products.

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Free Photos

43+ Unique Places to Find Remarkable Free Photos

by Yuri Burchenya, Sellfy Blog

Looking for FREE high quality stock photo sites like Unsplash? Here’s a list of the best ones. You can use all of these photos for commercial purposes too. And no attribution is required. Enjoy!

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Black Out Day

Hail Showcase: Black Out Day at Waimate Main

by Jo Carter

Our students turn out in black to support the All Blacks win!

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Content is king

Report: What Consumers Want From Digital Content

by Kimberlee Morrison

Content is the engine that powers the Internet. However, tastes and attitudes continually change, and marketers need to keep up with consumer attitudes to keep their content relevant.

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Video: Every New Emoji in iOS 9.1

184 New Emojis in iOS 9.1

by Hailey Bird

If you haven't updated your kids devices yet you may want to hold off — unless you can put up with them giggling over the middle-finger emoji!

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Video: Devil's Dentures! - Healthy & SUPER SCARY Apple Halloween Treats

Healthy Halloween Treat Special: The Devil’s Dentures!

by Food Wishes

We all know there’s really no such thing as a truly frightening Halloween treat, but that doesn’t mean we can’t give our guests a few moments of pause, as they process the sight of these fun, fang-filled apples staring up at them. 

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Mobile killed the print star

The Death of the PDF Newsletter

by Tom Barnett

Did you know that worldwide over 50% of emails are now opened on mobile devices? It's a simple little data point that has far reaching implications for your email newsletters.

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Top Team Challenge at Bluestone School

Hail Showcase: Top Team Challenge at Bluestone School

by Alison Coombridge

South Canterbury Sports has modelled this on the inter-town Top Town Competition televised during 1976. They are a charitable trust who create opportunities for participation, development and sporting success in our communities. 

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Video: Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer (Official)

Star Wars trailer viewed more than 112m times in 24 hours

by The Guardian

The latest trailer for The Force Awakens, which debuted on Monday, is the most-watched yet for the anticipated film.

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Best friend

9 Things You Should Do Every Day to Create Brain Space

by Lou Donnelly-Davey

Being your most awesome self takes work and in order to be at our best we all need to take stock every now and then to ensure we are taking the best care of ourselves. 

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Synarha Wereta

Hail Showcase: Don't Let the Word “Extreme” Scare You!

by Synarha Wereta — Let's Go Fitness

We are all extremists in our own way. Congratulations to the all girl Extreme Platoon group who have already completed the first week of their six week bootcamp with team leader Synarha Wereta.

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New Hail Feature: Private Tags

by Lou Donnelly-Davey

Now you can not only tag your articles for easy organization in the Hail backend and categorization in published formats, you can also apply private tags to help you manage your content more effectively.

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