The Daily Hailey|Blog

Hail Showcase: LINC-ED

Hailey Bird - February 18, 2016

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Helping schools to communicate learning with family and whānau

LINC-ED is fantastic kiwi made education platform that's helping schools to share learning and now includes a Ministry approved student management system.

Built, refined and perfected by a NZ Principal, LINC-ED is a unique web app for NZ schools that is designed to be simple, secure and stylish.

Our children are growing up in a world where their work will be produced digitally, shared digitally and their learning will be captured digitally. LINC-ED has solved the problem of how to bring it all together in one central place. It allows teachers to upload, embed and link documents, presentations, images and video; receive feedback and set targets in a simple and stylish way. Above all, LINC-ED’s e-portfolio system promotes the sharing of learning and creativity.

"LINC-ED has been instrumental in transforming the way we report student success and next steps. It supports collaborative teaching, as all staff are able to access data for all students. The ease of application and training for staff is like no other programme we have used."
— Ginnie Warren, St Albans

We're proud to have LINC-ED using Hail for their external communications and Customer Information Packs.