The Daily Hailey|Blog

Hail Showcase: Waimate Main School is Now a Feuerstein School!

Adam .Rivett - February 24, 2016

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Adam .Rivett

Growing the Human Brain!

Feuerstein is a method to work with learners (of all ages) that enhances thinking leading to accelerated brain development. Simply put, it is a way to work with learners that grows their brains and enhances their intelligence.

In Feuerstein, we look at 3 things:

  • The leaner and more importantly, the processes that the learner’s brain goes through when learning, We especially look for weaknesses in the brain and look to how we as the mediator can improve these weaknesses.
  • Secondly, we look at the tasks we give the learner, and we analyse these as to what brain functions are going to be needed to complete the task. We adapt these tasks to fit the learner’s brain weaknesses.
  • Lastly and most importantly, we look at how practically we can mediate the learner and his/her brain to develop. Practically, we look at what we can say and do to help the learners brain use the information around it to literally fill in the missing pieces.

Basically, this whole theory is based on the belief that the human brain can be changed/improved. It is modifiable and we can therefore grow our intelligence. If you would like to know more, please ask, or attend the Feuerstein explanation evening later in the term!

This article is from the Waimate Main School website.