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When Is it Okay to Steal Ideas?

Tom Barnett - January 12, 2016

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John Cleese: You Should — No, You Must — Steal Your Way to Success

John Cleese argues that you should — no, you must — steal your way to success.
"I think if any young writer or someone who wants to become a writer, or a performer, is listening then what I would say is it is so difficult at the beginning, particularly as a writer, that I suggest at the start that you steal or borrow. Or as the artist would say 'are influenced by' anything that you think that is really good and really funny which appeals to you. And if you study that and try to reproduce it in someway then it will have your own stamp on it, but you have a chance of getting off the ground with something like that.

But if you sit down one day never having written before with a pencil or a computer (but I write with a pencil) and you say I'm going to write something completely new and original and very funny, you can't do it! It's like trying to fly a plane without having any lessons. You've got to start somewhere and the best way to start is by copying something that is really good.

People seem to think I was advocating stealing in general. No. Once you've got off the ground you develop your own style; you don't need to steal. Better if you don't. But at the beginning, as I say, find something."
"So that's the advice I would give at the beginning: model yourself on someone you really like."