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hitRECord: Make All Kinds of Art and Media Together

Hailey Bird - February 3, 2016

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Joe's Intro to HITRECORD

Check out Joseph Gordon-Levitt's intro to his unique online community and production company that you can be a part of.

Once you've watched Mr Smiley Eyes himself check out the short film in the gallery below "First Stars I See Tonight", based on a true story by Roswell Gray and put together by dozens of hitRecord illustrators, musicians, actors and animators.

Inspired? Head on over to and get creative!

I wanna welcome you to hitRECord. This site is a little bit different than your typical Internet social network type of thing — it's a place where we can all come to make things together. On hitRECord we produce all kinds of art and media — we've played short films at film festivals, published books, put out records, and we've made a TV show that won an Emmy. Our website and mobile app are designed so that anyone can join our community and contribute to those kinds of productions.

And yes, whenever one of our productions makes money, the contributors get fairly paid. I'm proud to say that, since 2010, we've paid different contributing artists all over the world almost $2 million.

So, if you're an artist of any kind, or just have a good story to tell or something to say, come check out our site. I'm really proud of all the stuff we've made together, and there's more stuff we're making all the time. 

I'd love for you to be a part of it.

Thanks again