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An earlier version of Hail
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Hail Features: Getting Notified

Tom Barnett —

You asked for it and we listened — in-app and email notifications in Hail.

In an earlier article we discussed the importance of workflow and governance for a successful content strategy. Simply put, in order for your team to produce timely, quality content they need smarter tools which encourage and enhance collaboration, while allowing those with final signoff to efficiently oversee and manage the output.

From day one, Hail's centralized, cloud-based software has given your team 24/7 access to your organization's content from any web-based device. Being able to upload images from your phone direct from the sidelines of the big game while another team member drafts up the article at their desktop makes for a speedy, efficient workflow. You could even comment on articles and publications in the backend to offer suggestions or explain edits you had made. The only issue was, there was no way to find out about new comments or actions on the content, except for signing in and checking each article and publication manually. Well, today we're pleased to tell you that's all changed.

Dashboard notifications and the member inbox

Now, when you land on the dashboard, you'll discover a new global notification stream which gives you a quick, scannable overview of what's been happening across your organization, such as:

  • publications being created and alerts for when current ones are due
  • articles being readied for feedback and published/unpublished
  • articles and publications being pushed to third-party connections, such as Facebook and Twitter
  • and new members joining the team

Additionally, at the top-right you'll discover your member inbox with indicator badge displaying how many new messages there are specific to you. Here you be notified of:

  • comments on any of your articles/publications
  • comments on other members articles/publications that you're watching or one's that you've previously commented on
  • your accepted member invitations
  • all actions, including publishing/unpublishing and pushing to connections, on your articles and those you're watching

To ensure you're kept up to date, with everything that's important to you, you will also now receive the same notifications by email.

If there's an article or publication that you didn't create or comment on yet, but you'd like to be kept up to date with, you'll find a new Watch button under the comments in the sidebar. Simply click it to turn on inbox notifications. Likewise, if there's content you no longer want to be notified about, you can use the same button to toggle them off.

We're confident the new notifications and inbox will be huge for boosting collaboration, and easier, more efficient teamwork is what the best content strategies are built on.