The Daily Hailey|Blog

Digital Yearbooks Go Further

Hailey Bird - December 9, 2015

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Logan Park Yearbook Tiles

For the third year in a row Logan Park High School has published a beautiful Hail Yearbook. This one features over 200 articles from their hugely successful 2015.

It was 2013 when Logan Park first ditched their dusty old print yearbook for an infinitely deeper and more engaging digital version from Hail. With hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars saved each year they've never looked back.

Click here to check out all the student successes and highlights from Logan Park's unique year.

Recent enhancements

We've recently added some enhancements to make the Yearbook publications an even snappier and more engaging content experience. We can't wait to see more Hail organisations publishing theirs as we approach the end of the school year in the southern hemisphere.

Not just for schools

Digital yearbooks aren't just for schools — they're a handy way to package up and share your business's or organisation's entire content archive. Check out some examples: