— Jun 29, 2023

🕑 Consultation | Draft joint statement on ‘Principles for quality and safe prescribing practice’

Led by the Pharmacy Council and the Medical Council, seven responsible authorities (regulators of health professions) have developed a joint statement for safe and quality prescribing. 

The aim is to create a set of high-level principles that apply to all authorised prescribers in Aotearoa New Zealand. The purpose of these shared principles is to set standardised expectations for prescribing and ensure consistent regulation of prescribers.

The 12 principles are based on existing regulatory models, including the Medicines Act 1981 and the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975, and focus on the current context for practice in Aotearoa New Zealand. They are drawn from the Medical Council’s statement on Good prescribing practice and include:

How will these principles affect the Medical Council’s existing standards for prescribing?

The Medical Council has existing, more detailed, prescribing standards, including Good prescribing practice, Telehealth, and Providing care to yourself and those close to you.

The Joint Statement on Principles for quality and safe prescribing practice will sit alongside the existing Medical Council statements. Doctors’ prescribing activities will be assessed using both the general principles and more specific standards contained in our statements.

We invite your feedback on the draft joint prescribing principles. You can access further information about this consultation and other related information here on Council's website.

Your input is important to us. Please respond to the questions using the Survey Monkey online form.

We look forward to receiving your feedback. The consultation closes on 31 August 2023.