Joan Simeon — Jun 29, 2023

💬 From the CEO | Over the past few months, Council has been facilitating a number of key stakeholder meetings and workshops.

Kia ora koutou, rau rangatira mā.

This mahi has focused on collaboration and engagement with those supporting Council in carrying out its regulatory functions. The meetings have also provided valuable insights into emerging challenges and innovative advancements.

Our Annual Meeting of Medical Colleges served as an opportunity for meaningful discussions among colleges and key stakeholders, bringing together approximately 70 attendees from various health sector organisations, including Te Whatu Ora, Te Aka Whai Ora, Manatū Hauora, Ministry of Health, and our regulatory colleagues from Australia.

Our primary focus during the meeting was on exploring shared solutions, with important topics on the agenda including the medical workforce, training, continuing professional development, and professional standards for the profession.

The interactive nature of this meeting encouraged thought-provoking discussion on the opportunities and challenges facing our workforce and the health sector in Aotearoa. We look forward to continuing these conversations over the coming weeks.

We also held our annual series of workshops for Prevocational Educational Supervisors who oversee and guide interns, Professional Conduct Committee members, Performance Assessment Committee members, and Vocational Practice Assessment panel members.

These workshops offered an excellent training opportunity for participants and allowed them to share concerns, innovations, and success stories.

We are thankful to all those who contribute to the Council’s work as part of these processes and recognise the extensive skills, knowledge, and experience of all those in the profession who support us in these areas.

On behalf of the Council, I would like to express our appreciation to all the attendees, presenters, and facilitators who contributed to the success of all our recent meetings. Your active participation and valuable contributions are essential to the continued high standards of the medical profession and ultimately public safety. 

He mihi māhana

Joan Simeon
Manukura | Chief Executive Officer