Mai i te Manukura | From the CEO

Several key initiatives have recently been introduced as part of ongoing efforts to support Aotearoa New Zealand's growing medical workforce.

Tēnā koutou, e ngā rau rangatira mā

We continue to consider ways we can support a growing medical workforce, while ensuring we balance this with public safety. Over recent months, we have completed several initiatives.

Expansion of recognised comparable health system countries for registration

Experience working in a comparable health system allows international medical graduates (IMGs) to gain registration without needing to sit an examination.   Council regularly reviews countries.

Eight additional countries have been considered for inclusion within the past 2 years. Inclusions in 2025 are Japan and South Korea. In 2023, one country (Hong Kong) was included.  This brings the total number of recognised countries to 26, providing more opportunities for IMGs to gain registration.

The Comparable Health System (CHS) pathway is a unique experience-based pathway that assesses an applicant's practice within a health system similar to that of Aotearoa New Zealand.

Council applies a robust methodology when reviewing the comparability of another country’s health system. This includes assessing health system indicators, patterns of disease, and infrastructure, alongside an analysis of that country’s medical regulatory framework.

Recognition of the Australian Medical Council (AMC) Clinical Examination

Most IMGs can gain registration without the need to sit an examination. However, a small number of IMGs who do not meet requirements for our many flexible and enabling pathways to registration need to sit an examination to be eligible for registration.

The Australian Medical Council (AMC) Clinical Examination is now recognised as an alternative to passing the NZREX Clinical. This ensures a clear, consistent pathway for candidates and recognises the comparability of the two exams.

Passing the AMC Clinical Examination confirms that doctors meet the standard required to enter a two-year prevocational medical training programme, in the same way as those who have passed the NZREX Clinical.

Increased capacity for the NZREX Clinical Examination

We have increased the capacity for the NZREX Clinical Examination, allowing up to 180 candidates to sit the examination in 2025. Our first examination for this year was successfully completed, however we only had sufficient applicants to fill 54 of the 60 places available at the examination. There are two further examinations scheduled in 2025, in June and September.

Refresh of IMG supervision requirements

We have recently convened an Expert Advisory Group (EAG) who will provide recommendations on the supervision framework for IMGs. This work will ensure that the framework is practical to implement while providing the necessary assurance that IMGs are supported and safely integrating into medical practice in Aotearoa New Zealand.

We are grateful to Dr Curtis Walker who is chairing the EAG and the other members of the group who have extensive experience and expertise, drawn from a wide range of medical disciplines across the sector.

We would like to thank all of you who continue to work hard to serve our communities, including our IMGs who contribute tremendously to healthcare in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Ngā mihi mahana

Joan Simeon
Manukura | Chief Executive Officer

The Comparable Health System (CHS) pathway

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