March edition
🔊 In this issue of MC News we discuss key initiatives to support our growing workforce, navigating change, and introduce our new informed consent video.
Visit this article🔊 In this issue of MC News we discuss key initiatives to support our growing workforce, navigating change, and introduce our new informed consent video.
Visit this article💬 Navigating transitions can be both challenging and transformative. As health sector leaders reflect on their need to change direction, it prompts us as clinicians to consider when the time is right to change our own path.
Visit this article💬 Several key initiatives have recently been introduced as part of ongoing efforts to support Aotearoa New Zealand's growing medical workforce.
Visit this article🔉 As technology breaks down geographical barriers, it is becoming increasingly important for medical practitioners to be aware of key issues relating to patients seeking online care.
Visit this article🔉 Video update | Council has launched a new video to help patients and the public better understand informed consent and its importance in healthcare decision-making.
Visit this article🔊 Stay informed about key updates for the profession.
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