Te Rōpū Whakatika Kaimahi Hauora | The Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal

Keep informed of recent HPDT decisions accessible on the Medical Council's website.

The Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal (HPDT) requests that the Medical Council share specific disciplinary findings relating to doctors. We believe that transparency is crucial for maintaining trust and ensuring the well-being of the public.

To keep you informed, a summary of recent HPDT decisions is accessible on the Medical Council's website. The summaries also provide direct links to access the full decisions on the HPDT website.

 Stay updated on recent HPDT decisions here.

Recent decisions:

Dr O Med21/534P - The Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal has censured a General Practitioner who entered into a close personal relationship with a man while his wife and children were her patients. The doctor also breached the wife’s privacy by disclosing health information to her husband.

 Find out more here.