Brian Faulkner — Sep 4, 2023

Learn the secrets of writing great stories from an award-winning author

"Write Like an Author" is a school holiday program for young writers.

Held in a fun and supportive setting at Kohia Terrace School this camp will see children develop and write stories with help from award-winning author Maria Gill.

Maria is the award-winning author of over 60 books. She has won the New Zealand Book Awards for Children & Young Adults Non-Fiction, and the Margaret Mahy Best Book of the Year Award.

It will be held during the school holidays, from Tuesday, September 26, 2023 to Thursday, September 28, 2023.
There will be a three day camp for children aged 9 to 14 and a one day workshop for children aged 7 to 10.

Young writers will learn:
* How to come up with story ideas
* How to plan and outline a story
* How to come up with interesting, sympathetic characters
* The writing process, how to put it all down on paper

Plus they'll make new friends and have heaps of fun!

Young writers (or their parents) can register here:

The number of places on the camp is strictly limited so register early if your child is interested in attending the camp.