Wini Melo — Aug 19, 2019

An Ambulance officer from St John is visiting our school to talk to the students about basic first aid.

In order to show our appreciation of their work we are asking children to bring in a gold coin donation. If you are able to contribute, please give your donation to your child’s classroom teacher by Friday 23rd August.

St John’s Curriculum overview:

Years 1 and 2:

Recognise the danger of falls and poisons, and how injuries can be avoided.

Years 3 and 4:

How to prevent falls at home and at school. Recognise appropriate safety equipment for outdoor activities and how to treat minor injuries.

Years 5 and 6:

Explore types of injuries that can occur at home and school and how these can be prevented. Describe appropriate responses to different situations requiring basic first aid.

* Monday 19th August - St John's Visit - Rooms 26 and 16

* Tuesday 20th August - St John's Visit - Rooms 11 and 16

* Wednesday 21st August - St John's Visit - Rooms 1, 3, 12, 13 and 19

* Thursday 22nd August - St John's Visit - Rooms 23, 2 ,25, 22 and 18

* Friday 23rd August - St John's Visit - Rooms 10, 7, 6, and 20

* Tuesday 27th August - St John's Visit - Rooms 4, 8, 9 and 17