Maria Kroonenberg — Sep 19, 2023

For book lovers everywhere, we will be celebrating all things books in Week 1 of next term including a book character parade, book quizzes, cartooning, mystery readers and more.

During the week there will be lots of activities for children to participate in during class time as well as lunch - including celebrity book readers in the library at lunchtime.

On Friday 13 October (Week 1 of Term 4) we will be having a special dress-up day. Come as your favourite  book character and in the morning we will be hosting a grand parade in the hall with every class walking on stage. There will be prizes awarded for: 

Also on the same Friday, we will have the Great Book Swap. During Book Week bring your preloved books in good condition for 5yrs+ (so no toddler books) to the Library either before school, at morning tea or lunchtime so you can get your coupon. 1 coupon in exchange for 1 book. Then use your coupon/s at our Great Book Swap in the hall on Friday 13 October 12.40pm - 1.20pm.

In addition, the Library will be opening afterschool on Tuesday and Thursday from 3pm - 4pm. 

You have all holidays to work on your costumes. We can't wait to see them!