Wini Melo — Jul 26, 2019

I am a Feather, and this is my Journey.
A mythical bird living in Olympus is where I come from.
Let me tell you more.
I have seen many things; I have watched Olympus crumble.
I have seen Athena train for war, and I’ve seen gods battle the demons, the minions of the devil.
I have listened to Zeus’s bolt zap and crackle Poseidon’s waves crashing!
I have heard the once calm gods becoming angry.
I have felt the force of dark magic.
For my next journey I will be carried by a hurricane, back to Olympus.

By Oskar and Aiden

What the Sun Said
“The clouds and the sky are where I’ve come from,” said the sun.
“Guess what I’ve brought you?’
“Chocolate melting on a table by the sea,” the sun said.
“Do you like that?”
“Yes”, I said, “What else?”
“Kites flying in the breeze and a goat in the middle of an island,” said the sun.
“I like kites and goats, what else?”
“That’s enough?” the sun complained.
“No,” I said, “I want your warmth. Give me that.”
“That’s mine,” the sun said. “Find your own.” And left.

By Molly