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PTA Sausage Sizzle


Can you help?

The PTA Sausage Sizzle is held at the end of every term (when we can) this is one of our favourite fundraisers.

But our wonderful co-ordinator, Adele Turnbull, is unable to continue them so we need a new person to take on the tongs!

We are also looking for some new volunteers to help our co-ordinator on “Sizzle Day”.

Is this you?

The role involves a couple of hours planning in the weeks leading up to the day and Adele will still be around to ask questions etc.

Then on “Sizzle Day”, the coordinator & supporters can expect to be at school from 8.30am- 1.30pm; that’s set-up, cook-up and clean-up!

It’s a lot of fun and you will be the most popular person at school for at least one day a term!

Please contact Adele on 021 0290 5161 or 3kingspta@gmail.com

if you are interested in helping with this.