Hannah Wynne — Dec 12, 2023

What an amazing time the Koru team has had celebrating the end of term.

Last Friday was the Koru end of year show “Island Beatz”, where students had learnt a range of Pasifika songs to perform, with singing and dancing as a thank you to all our parents and our fantastic Ranfurly readers. But the highlight of the show was undoubtly a visit by Santa, at the very end, who then came round and visited everyone in their classrooms.

This Monday we were lucky to be visited by Christine from “Hands Alive Puppet Theatre”. This was an amazing interactive experience through a performance and workshop. These sessions inspired the children to make puppets out of sticks and leaves at morning tea. If your child has an interest suddenly in sock puppets, this is why. The best part according to one Koru student was “ the amazing puppets made out of kitchen tools” and “We could walk some puppets on string”.

The final fun event was the Teddy Bears picnic held today on the school field. “Pizza is so yum” exclaimed one Koru student. It was a fun packed event playing with their teddy bears and eating pizza.