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Three Kings School

by Moira Blair

Ngā mihi o Matariki, te tau hou Māori

Moira Blair - July 23, 2023

Welcome back to term 3 - we hope that families found a special way to celebrate Matariki in the school holidays.

We had thought that we would be able to share all of the fun and learning from our Porohita sleepover and hangi. However the torrential rain on Friday meant that it had to be postponed.  We will be having the hangi this Friday, 28th July, and the sleepover will be rescheduled in Term 4.

If you are dropping off at school on Friday morning feel free to come over and have a look at the hangi, it is down the far end of the field by the bottom courts. Classes will have an opportunity to come down and have a look during the day, and Porohita, of course, will be a part of the whole process. The classes in Porohita have been learning the Matariki Karakia to honour the rising of Matariki and to celebrate the New Year. The various stars in the Matariki cluster are associated with different environmental domains: earth, sky, fresh water, salt water, rain and wind. There is also a star that is connected to those who have passed during the year and another that is connected to our wishes.

We have our whole school Matariki assembly this Thursday celebrating the learning that has been happening across the school. This starts at the slightly earlier time of 2pm.