Hero photograph
Photo by Nicola Eka

Junior Athletics

Nicola Eka —

The sun turned it on for take 2 of Athletics Day

What an exciting week the Junior school had with Cross country and Athletics day in the same week! Year 0-2 and Year 3 7-year-olds started off the day with their 'I can run, throw and jump' rotations. 

It was fabulous to see the improvement in skills with each child getting involved and working hard to get points for their class. 

In the afternoon the much-awaited Sprint finals took place. Congratulations to those who placed and those who made the finals. 

Thank you to parents/caregivers/whanau who came along to support, and jumped straight into helping and participating in our events, the children loved having you involved. 

Also thank you to the teachers, with the year 2 team who were the best dressed for the occasion and to Mrs Burt for her excellent organisation.

Ka rawe Junior school!