Hero photograph
Photo by Nicola Eka

Pasifika Young Leaders Day

Nicola Eka —

Connection, Collaboration and Communication were the themes of our Kahui Ako PYL day

Learners from across the Kahui joined forces to build connections, work as a team and talk about why, as Pasifika students and Pasifika Young Leaders, communication is critical.

Here is Julia's take on the day:

The day started with a prayer. One of the young leaders from Mt Roskill said a beautiful prayer to bless us and the day. Once done we got into 4 groups. When we were in our groups we could start our first activity. Our first activity was to make up our own TikTok dance and then perform it to everyone. In my group we practised our tiktok dance until perfect or at least the best we could do in 10 minutes. Group 1 went first then Group 4 now it was our turn. Standing up I felt nervous, and our music started. Half of the kids in our group were trying their hardest while others were barely trying. I was somewhere in between. Finally, our dance was over. Feeling good my whole team sat down and watched the final group perform. “ Great job you guys our next task is you have to make a team name then make a team chant!”. Quickly my group got into a circle asking if anyone had any Ideas. “ I have one,” someone said “Let's be called TSYL, it stands for Tongan, Tahitian, Samoan young leaders”. Everyone agreed on the name and we moved on to the chant. After a lot of consideration, we made our chant. We were first. This time I was excited. “3 2 1 go” We all started to sing the words: TSYL we are the best, TSYL put you to the test, who do you think should run the house TSYL will run the house! I felt good and happy about our chant. I watched all the other groups perform their chants. “Now get a piece of paper and write down why communication is important and how it helps your learning” After another 10 minutes and lots of writing we finished. We had a game where you would have to get into a group with a certain number of people. After we played our game we got brownies and chips. Another student leader from Mt Roskill said a closing prayer and we all started to leave. I had such a fun time at Mt Roskill and I hope I get to do it again next year. They taught us how to communicate with others to be the best when learning.

By Julia

Katarina had this to say:

All of the school's young Pasifika leaders were sitting in the Mt Roskill school hall,

Listening to a girl saying our prayer to start our activities and others.

After that, the guy with the mic, Pete, was explaining our first activity, “Our first activity is doing Tiktok dances, whoever's group does the best is.. The best!” Announced Pete,

All of the teams were now figuring out what trendy dance we could do, my group were

Shouting out random trends, “Let's try the renegade” spoke one of my group members,

“Nah that's too old, or, hard” side-eyed one of the grammar kids, looking at me and Mahika thinking that we don’t know how to do the dance.”Let's go with that one, you know that song,

‘You used to call me on my cell phone’? We could do that trend.” discussed the group leader,

Everyone then agreed with it and the grammar kids started to teach me and the others

“Yes people, let's get it” cheered the group leader, hyping all of us practising it.

“30 more seconds!” exclaimed Pete, “What, I thought we had heaps of time!” I shouted in the middle of our dance. Looking around seeing the other groups in their corner finishing their

Dances in style, now I am focused. “5..4..3..2..1” Pete was counting down. Finishing our practice dance. Everyone started to do their dance and when it was my group to do, we all stood up and waited for the music to start. Thank you so much for having me over at the school I'm going to next year, can't wait to see you all! - Katarina