Hero photograph
Photo by Maria Kroonenberg

A majestic butterfly extravaganza

Maria Kroonenberg —

As part of our Drama focus for Term 3, in Week 5 students across every syndicate were treated to the award-winning theatre show, ‘Monarch’, a story about butterflies, speech writing, scientists and the environment.

Performed by dynamic duo Katie Burson and Beth Kayes, we were entertained by a humorous story about the planned construction of a motorway running through the home to the ever-important Monarch butterflies. With an array of costume changes as we travelled back in time, there were cheers all round when the butterflies were eventually saved! Here's what some of our students had to say.

The monarch show was an incredible display, showing the importance of killing animals and making them lose their homes. We also learnt about speech structure and how to put together a production - Year 6 are doing both of those things this very year! Ruby, Year 6

I loved all of the colourful butterflies. Tia, Year 0

We liked they way they seem to have practiced a lot and how they could hold the poses for a long time. Storm and Subi, Year 5

My favourite part was the construction lady because she was very funny. Mitchell, Year 3

When they talked about the butterflies, it was really cool – but the caterpillar was the best. Sofya, Year 2

The caterpillar was fun because it made funny noises. Manita, Year 4

I liked how they went back in time to the past and we got to see famous people like Marie Curie and Galileo. I enjoyed the show very much.

Serena, Year 6