Welcome back!

Moira Blair —

It is fabulous to be able to welcome you back to Term 2, but also to welcome you back onsite after an 8 month long wait!

We have really enjoyed seeing parents back in our grounds and classrooms on these first few days back. Thank you for continuing to wear masks while you are onsite.

We are looking forward to a jam packed term, starting off with our fantastic drumming workshops happening across the school today. Music is our arts focus and the schoolwide concept this term is sustainability. Porohita begin the garden part of our garden to table program.  The hall kitchen is being demolished and fully redone this term ready for us to launch into the full program term 3.

We also completed a number of building projects over the break; - 

-the pool roof has been replaced

-an amazing mural has sprung up on the pool wall (look out for more on this is in our next newsletter!)

-the two playgrounds have been rebarked, they will both be updated over the coming terms, with new powder coating, coloured safety mats on the platforms and an extension to the junior playground with balance equipment

-a major upgrade of the resource area for storage, in anticipation of the transition room block update.

We also completed our garden beds, with the help of the porohita students, ready for use at the end of last term - if you haven't been in to see them pop in for a look!

We are excited about the term ahead and being able to share the learning with you - look out for your childs team newsletter later this week.