Hero photograph
Photo by Moira Blair

Te Mātaiaho - The refreshed New Zealand curriculum, what it means for Three Kings School

Moira Blair —

As you will have seen in our last newsletter, the refreshed curriculum changes the curriculum levels to phases. These change to encompassing Y0 -Y3 and Y4-Y6.

The new phases reposition the curriculum to focus on progression and growth in learning, as well as provide more clarity (than the previous curriculum levels) about what is expected for each phase, in terms of both learning and the teaching focus. You can read more detail on that on page 18-19 of the full document found here 

To allow our staff and teams to plan, teach and assess against these phases we are changing up the structure of the school to reflect this. In 2024 we will have two large whānau - Koru whānau, Year 0 -Year 3 and Toki whānau, Year 4 - Year 6.

Within these whānau we will have teaching group teams according to year level. This will allow our teaching teams to plan together, as two or three teachers, to ensure inclusive pedagogy designed to cater for learner varaiability.

The many things that were special, events and programs, to Porohita have been adapted to cater for the Year 3 and year 4 students, e.g. Garden to Table will still run for these year levels, the biennual Year 3/4 hāngī will occur in odd years.

There will be opportunities for the Year 3 students to develop leadership in their time as the oldest students in the Koru team.