Moira Blair — Dec 11, 2023

As the end of the school year approaches, it's time to bid farewell to our wonderful Year 6 students. It has been a journey filled with growth, learning, and countless memories. Today, let's take a moment to reflect on the knowledge gained and celebrate the achievements of the past year.

Let us celebrate your accomplishments, both big and small. Whether it's solving a tricky problem, delivering an impressive presentation, or demonstrating acts of kindness and leadership, every achievement deserves recognition. These accomplishments remind us of your growth, resilience, and capacity to succeed.

But education is not just about academic achievements. It's about personal development as well. Year 6 students, you have grown into confident individuals who ask questions, seek knowledge, and take risks. You have developed teamwork and communication skills, making lasting friendships along the way.

As you say goodbye to Year 6, it's time to look towards the exciting future that awaits you. Intermediate school will bring new challenges, opportunities, and adventures. You will be equipped with the tools to navigate these new waters, drawing on the foundation you have built during your time with us.

Remember to always embrace the love of learning, stay curious, and believe in yourself. Be resilient, adaptable, and never be afraid to reach for the stars. Your potential knows no bounds, and we are excited to see where your journey takes you.