Toki Speech Finals
Congratulations to all of our speech finalists who presented at the Toki Speech competition on Friday. It was fantastic to have so many of our parents and whānau supporting. Also a huge thank you to Graham Bryant from Ranfurly Village who joined our judging panel of Mrs Eka and our lovely librarian, Eunhye.
Congratulations to our placegetters for the prepared speech:
1st – Chloe Li who presented “Why we need to protect the environment”
2nd – Aria-Moon Carson-Meihana who presented “Why we should take care of the ocean”
3rd equal – Andre He who presented “Save the Cows”, and Iona Galvin who presented “Why smoking is bad for young people”.
Also, congratulations to Aishani Ram who bravely presented a Flash Talk speech (our only student) about racism. This required her to talk by memory to slides.
This year our speech theme was Kaitiakitanga/ Guardianship, which is part of the APPA Rehu Tai Speech Competition. Our first and second place winners will be speaking at the COL Speech Showcase at Hillsborough Primary School on Friday 8 September.
In addition, our first place winner in both the prepared speech and flash talk are entered into the APPA Rehu Tai Speech competition on Wednesday 20 September (held in the evening at Remuera Intermediate).
It was fantastic to listen to such a diverse range of subject matters related to Kaitiakitanga – which was a challenging concept on top of learning how to construct a speech. Ka pai to all of our Toki students for rising to the challenge! Good luck to our winners next month.