Wini Melo — Aug 8, 2019

The Kauri Syndicate are presenting a production this term called “Dragon Days - A clawsome scorcher of a musical”.

Final Performances will be on:

There is an expectation that all students will be present at these two final performances. If your child is unable to participate at the final performances, please let the classroom teacher know as soon as possible.

Tickets will be sold from Monday 2nd September until Friday 13th September.

Children will need to be in their classrooms at 6.15pm each night ready to get changed. After the production children will need to be picked up from their classrooms at 8.15pm.

Each child will be wearing a costume for the production. Your child will bring home a letter closer to the time telling you what they will need to bring to school for their costumes. Costumes need to stay at school until the final show.